Monday, June 8, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Esquire up in hurr

So apparently now that Jim is in Africa, he is too cool to do Esquire Tuesday's anymore. I love the fact that doesn't have any copyright laws and lets you steal the pics straight from the site.

If for some reason you come here to read race reports, you got the wrong idea. If you want those hit up dan at, he's does a great job of posting race reports and photos from said races.

Glover, I feel your need for tuesday esquire awesomeness. Thurr it is up top-

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I was having a thought

I was looking at pictures from RFK crit up somewhere near DC i guess, and I came to the conclusion that there is never a prudent time to wear a skinsuit outside of a TT unless your name is Dave Zabriskie and you are going to kick in the break at Paris-Tours while rocking a set of 1080s.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Summertime is well known to me as not the time when classes are over, not the time to go to the beach, but rather the time of year when women can get away with wearing as little clothes as possible. Its a great thing; the mini skirt, the fantastically too tight white tank top, and the use of the bikini top as a shirt.

Now homegirl up top here has nothing to do with summer other than the fact that I would like to spend some time with her in the pool. I just thought her company on my blog would be welcomed.

This picture came from our dear friends over at, I have no clue who this guy is but he finds the most ridicuous stuff to post on. Fortunately, he finds a way to post mostly about women who are classified as hot, but not always. I find it quite the entertaining break from exam time to go check out what is going on over at the danza tap.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

City Park Crit

Jon at Cycling Photos does some great work, can't wait to see some of the other pics he took

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April fools is confusing

This helmet just went up on That being said, april fools is confusing. This is the day of the year that I hope nothing terrible ever happens to me, since I'm sure that should I call anyone for help they would surely laugh and say good one. I never know what is true and what is a joke on this day. For instance, this helmet is probably the gayest looking helmet ever and is being posted as 90 bucks, this is without a doubt one of the gayest looking helmets I've ever seen minus anything that J-dub puts on his head. While its pretty funny to see some of the stuff that and put up it gets annoying when real news comes through that is real, like say that CONI is seeking 2 years for Valverde.

However the fact that velonews posts the main picture on every story today as lancenews is pretty funny.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jeff Cup

Jeff Cup was good, placed 13th out of 125 peeps. I was interested in doing a little better than that, I worked pretty hard the whole race to stay up front as I was warned that the pack splits on the climb. After the first lap I realized that anything farther than 10th wheel was unacceptable and unsafe, so I turned myself inside out to try to get into any move that went up the rode. Unfortunately I missed the one that did make it to the end, eh its whatev. Kyle got 2nd in the field sprint and ended up 4th, Dan cramped it up pretty good in the last mile.

I tried to steal a pic from some dude but he's got one of those gay ass copyright infringement things. It doesn't make sense to me that I can't use the pics taken from up there on my computer, I'm not askin for the pics to be in full size that he took but just a decent resolution version that I can throw up on facebook. I mean really the rights to that pic are 150 bucks! Who the fuck does that! It's a picture of me,I'm not buying the rights to the beatles songs I'm just looking for my own GD pics.

Amy Jones site is pretty legit though, she's cool with it. Unfortunately all of the pics she took of our field were at times when I did not look too legit so I'm not gonna throw those up on here. In the future I'll be sure to look more pro at all times, my hurt face looks pretty weak.

Back to doing the work I should of done a couple days ago, I'm gonna fail it anyways so its not really that crucial.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

NC racing

Bunch of dudes rolling tubulars today, don't know what that was about. I'm in my second year of racing and had not seen someone roll a tubular until today, where I saw three different guys roll em. Get better soon Derek and Charlie from Carolina Masters.

Report tomorrow, I'm cooked.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tradezone Crit

photo credit-

More photos were taken, just gotta find em. Some guy with a german shepherd dog was walking around with a camera taking pics, anyone know where those might be? I'll put up a report tomorrow, its time to go to sleep.

Tradezone Crit

Monday, March 9, 2009

not approved

A-rod is a douche, seriously the guy has a 275 million dollar contract and that doesn't even include all of the bonuses and stipulations for certain marks. He has been caugth for doping and even admitted to its use. However, he did not admit to the knowing use of everything that he was caught for. First off, how the fuck do you not know what you are taking. The 275 million dollar contract that you are under is an investment in your body and its god given talents; anything and everything that is in your body, you should be accountable for, not matter how it got there.

In cycling no questions asked he would have been suspended all over the world for two years. Whether it was an anonymous test or not, we know he took some roids. Stick a fork in him, he should be done. Joe Torre's book already told us that he was a prick who couldn't pour his own coffee, now he is selling out one of his cousins since he's too big of a pussy to take responsibility for being a greedy bitch and doing something stupid.

In cycling we can suspend someone based on circumstantial evidence (Kayle Leogrande), so why can't we suspend A-rod for his violation that we have scientific evidence of his cheating. I realize that baseball is supported by the ability of players to hit big, but so is cycling. It is the job of the professionals to go bigger and better everyday, yet they still get tested and suspended for their wrongdoings.

Last year the WADA conducted over 8,000 drug tests on their athletes that are designed to find any and all drugs that are on the prohibited substance list, 26 tested positive. During baseballs exploratory testing only 800 samples were taken, over 100 of them tested positive for the few substances that were tested for.

Since August, when Lance re-entered the cycling world and its subsequent drug testing policies, he has been tested on no less that 20 seperate occasions. These are unannounced, out of competition tests that can be taken at any time of day at any place in the world.

If you want to dope, thats fine. I'm more than OK with these baseball players poisoning their bodies, putting undue stress on themselves, their families, and shrinking the size of their probably already tiny dicks, but when in competition with others its not fair to those who want to compete clean. Their is no question that HGH, testosterone, and EPO among others enhance an athletes ability to perform. Any athlete that tests positive should not only serve a suspension but forfeit all money that has been earned for the duration of their current contract and/or that time that they doped. Not only have they stolen money from the others in races but they have stolen jobs from others who can't keep up with the dopers.

A-rod is just the most recent occurrence of dopers to arise from the baseball scene, baseballs Players Association should refuse to stand behind any player that is found guilty of doping and have them return all contracted money. Many players are putting their lives on the line to make these teams and make a career, A-rod has taken someone elses job that wants to do it right.

I had minimal respect for baseball before this most recent A-rod thing, they play 165 games a year so who really cares to watch since the games don't matter and some players never even touch the ball in a game. How can a team make the postseason and lose 85 games in a season? But I have even less respect for it now that the MLB has a guilty doper and they do nothing. Same goes for Andy Pettite; you took drugs, you should face the consequences. I don't care if you were injured, players are injured all the time and recover without steroids. Either play through it or shut the F up until you are recovered.

Baseball players and governing bodies need a serious dose of HTFU.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh yeah, I hit the rollers today

I hit the rollers today for the first time since last winter, that was a terrifying first five minutes. Then got back to being comfortable on em and such. I'm pretty sure I got the no hands riding down. I tried out going for some out of the saddle work on the rollers, that takes some confidence in your abilities. Almost ate it a couple times but in true to form Wicknasty style I saved it, I got dis.

Missing sailing a bit.

Starting to miss sailing a bit. This is the time of year that sailing cranks back up, much like cycling does. I'm gonna miss not getting out on the water for the big events and all. I'm fortunate though to have gotten into racing and I'm pretty much locked up for every weekend between now and some time in late April.

Snowball sucked only for the reason that I wasn't warmed up enough for the race. I've come to the conclusion that my power on the bike is found after about 15 good miles of riding. I'm fairly rough for the first 30 -45 minutes or so of riding but after that I feel like I can put down some good power. I'm gonna try a little harder on saturday and sunday to get some real efforts put in during warmup and get the legs going. Hopefully I go better this weekend, looks like the weather is gonna be decent enough.

Saturday: Cullops Import's Race - Richmond, VA (Bryan Park)

Sunday: Snowball 2 - Ampitheatre Circle

Monday, March 2, 2009

How to gain weight?

So I've come to the conclusion that I am a skinny bitch. While that might be cool if I lived at the foot of Ventoux, I live in a place that requires climbing skills only for the ascent of bridges.

Now's the tricky part; I feel that I eat my fair amount of food, but weight gain is difficult to attain while training. I'm stoked to do Jeff Cup since it would be the first race I do requiring climbing skills, and even that is a few risers at best. I need the long drawn out climb that hurts fatasses like JW. Waynesboro GP looks pretty cool since they've got some climbing in the course. BTW, I'm not counting wintergreen since that's a TT.

That being said I feel like more power would be of help around the flats. Perhaps another holiday binge on alcohol would help; nah too expensive, gotta buy new deep dish race wheels. Can't decide either 808s or Easton EC90 Aeros.

Oh yeah, it was about 25 degrees all day and snowing, F this.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tom Boonen

I was gonna post last night about how much of a pussy Tom Boonen is since he keeps coming up short and making all these excuses about it. It isn't really cool with me when he says that Cavendish isn't that fast; I mean dude if you got beat you got beat I know this better than anyone, and especially the second time at ToC when Cav led out Boonen and pulled away with 100 meters to go.

All of that doesn't matter though since he pretty much owned KBK today.

My B

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

NEW bontrager 9.0 wheels

Bontrager is releasing the new Bontrager 9.0 at the Tour of Cali, check em out. The Bontrager - HED design is 90 MM deep and will be run by Lance and the Astana team

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

setting the tone

It's nice when people like Lance look out for the little guy. Take this picture for instance, the man himself is using fenders on his 6 G road bike. This is possibly the least pro thing he has ever done; however, being that Lance has done it it is now acceptable for all mortals to do so. Hence, he does it for the little guy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


So, at World's this morning Ryan Trebon got taken out by a camera boom. I understand that when your in the red during a race not everything is seen with perfect vision but how do you not see that kinda thing coming and say "hey guy, I probably ought to avoid this massive pole that's swinging my way."

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Had a great weekend with the parents up at Wintergreen. I got some good skiing in and once again proved to myself that balls are better than ability on the ski slopes slash I was pretty F-in out of control.

This was the first time going back up to wintergreen after the hill climb last May, just as anticipated the hill was still a monster. But to be fair Jim, yes Marin dr is indeed steeper the whole way than any part of wintergreen.

I had thought about bringing the bike up for a trip or two up and down the mountain but decided against it after seeing that the weather wasn't supposed to get above freezing all weekend.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Marin MTB

I got the chance to head up to Marin today and hit the trails with J-dub. Let's just say the ride was legit slash I was probably the most out of control person to ever hit the trail. Big ups to Jdub for having the confidence to let me use this nasty ride. Intense puts out a great bike and it got me out of more trouble today than I could have imagined. Its amazing what 6 inches of travel and 8 inch brake rotors do.

My mind is still blown on smithwicks ale. good stuff.

It blows my mind that Jim can spend hours cranking out cover letters for legit J-O-B's but can't go a week without a Full Throttle / I'm about to go get one myself.