A-rod is a douche, seriously the guy has a 275 million dollar contract and that doesn't even include all of the bonuses and stipulations for certain marks. He has been caugth for doping and even admitted to its use. However, he did not admit to the knowing use of everything that he was caught for. First off, how the fuck do you not know what you are taking. The 275 million dollar contract that you are under is an investment in your body and its god given talents; anything and everything that is in your body, you should be accountable for, not matter how it got there.
In cycling no questions asked he would have been suspended all over the world for two years. Whether it was an anonymous test or not, we know he took some roids. Stick a fork in him, he should be done. Joe Torre's book already told us that he was a prick who couldn't pour his own coffee, now he is selling out one of his cousins since he's too big of a pussy to take responsibility for being a greedy bitch and doing something stupid.
In cycling we can suspend someone based on circumstantial evidence (Kayle Leogrande), so why can't we suspend A-rod for his violation that we have scientific evidence of his cheating. I realize that baseball is supported by the ability of players to hit big, but so is cycling. It is the job of the professionals to go bigger and better everyday, yet they still get tested and suspended for their wrongdoings.
Last year the WADA conducted over 8,000 drug tests on their athletes that are designed to find any and all drugs that are on the prohibited substance list, 26 tested positive. During baseballs exploratory testing only 800 samples were taken, over 100 of them tested positive for the few substances that were tested for.
Since August, when Lance re-entered the cycling world and its subsequent drug testing policies, he has been tested on no less that 20 seperate occasions. These are unannounced, out of competition tests that can be taken at any time of day at any place in the world.
If you want to dope, thats fine. I'm more than OK with these baseball players poisoning their bodies, putting undue stress on themselves, their families, and shrinking the size of their probably already tiny dicks, but when in competition with others its not fair to those who want to compete clean. Their is no question that HGH, testosterone, and EPO among others enhance an athletes ability to perform. Any athlete that tests positive should not only serve a suspension but forfeit all money that has been earned for the duration of their current contract and/or that time that they doped. Not only have they stolen money from the others in races but they have stolen jobs from others who can't keep up with the dopers.
A-rod is just the most recent occurrence of dopers to arise from the baseball scene, baseballs Players Association should refuse to stand behind any player that is found guilty of doping and have them return all contracted money. Many players are putting their lives on the line to make these teams and make a career, A-rod has taken someone elses job that wants to do it right.
I had minimal respect for baseball before this most recent A-rod thing, they play 165 games a year so who really cares to watch since the games don't matter and some players never even touch the ball in a game. How can a team make the postseason and lose 85 games in a season? But I have even less respect for it now that the MLB has a guilty doper and they do nothing. Same goes for Andy Pettite; you took drugs, you should face the consequences. I don't care if you were injured, players are injured all the time and recover without steroids. Either play through it or shut the F up until you are recovered.
Baseball players and governing bodies need a serious dose of HTFU.
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