So its pretty much the middle of the semester here where I start to realize that I gotta get my stuff together in classes so I can pass and/or make the grade that is necessary to avoid problems. On top of that I just bought new crap for my bike, meaning that I have to spend more time working at the shop so I can pay for said purchase, and in turn limiting the amount of time I can enjoy new buys.
That being said SRAM red is some BA stuff, light as hell, crisp shifting, and an unrivaled chi (say chee) factor. I built it up yesterday afternoon before putting on Tkarnes SRM and was pleased to see 13.5lbs with pedals, bottle cages and computer. Pretty light for a 61cm frame, hopefully I'll get to ride it, J-dub I'll get a pic eventually.
On to other things, I rented the new hulk movie tonight and was more than disappointed. I assumed since I had heard good things and Ed Norton was in it, it had to be good. Personal opinion, grade F, hopefully my finance class will go better than this movie did.
That's why everybody talks about it
6 years ago
I grade you promising to deliver a pic and not delivering an F.
Hows the Red compare to Chorus? I made the jump from 105 to Chorus and couldn't believe the difference.
red crushes chorus, slash I don't know. I haven't really put many miles on it yet so I don't really have any real thoughts on it yet other than the initial big purchase justification thoughts. I'll get back to you when I have a few more miles on it
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