So I'm blaming J-dub for this shenanigan. I should be studying for finals tomorrow, but F that I've always been one to delay this kinda crap as long as possible. Why study anyways, shouldn't exams be about what you know from the information that you retained from class discussion directly and not what you wrote down and crammed into your head only to be discarded at a later date? I've always been a big fan of the pop quiz on class discussion cuz I always nail that shit! Anyways, off to go not study
alright guy, so it begins. COme one come all. Remember, everyone will see what you write. Be real, but maybe pipe down the cursewords. Holla. Yo, seriously, just send me that red group so that I got a shot at being as light as you!
no censorship allowed, say it howz ya feelz it son!!!!!! ha-ha,and jw, you ought to know the cursin goes with be a sailor!!!!!!
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