I found this on Dave Zabriskie's picture roll, he says its his favorite. Now I've been looking at this thing for a few minutes now and can't exactly figure out what it is, other than the most overthought bike I've ever seen - tight.
John Tomac used to ride a similar bike in the '90s. It's just a mountain bike with drop bars. Tomac was trying to pull a road career at the time, so he threw drop bars on his mtb.
I suspect this bike was a result of Bjarne Riis' encouragement for Dave to improve his climbing. In Utah, you'll find much steeper pitches on longer climbs using a mountain bike than you will a road bike.
I have to say thats pretty hot man could be used for some CRAZY hard cross race. maybe good for ironcross? or instead of jumping over barriers you just run them over
John Tomac used to ride a similar bike in the '90s. It's just a mountain bike with drop bars. Tomac was trying to pull a road career at the time, so he threw drop bars on his mtb.
I suspect this bike was a result of Bjarne Riis' encouragement for Dave to improve his climbing. In Utah, you'll find much steeper pitches on longer climbs using a mountain bike than you will a road bike.
I have to say thats pretty hot man could be used for some CRAZY hard cross race. maybe good for ironcross? or instead of jumping over barriers you just run them over
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